Litter pick-up along Hwy 170
Saturday November 13th at 8:30AM. Supplies will be available at the Maritime Center. After mowing, the amount of trash revealed is shocking. Help keep this trash out of our waterways. Get in a few more volunteer hours before the end of the year!
Contact ckehrer@portroyalsoundfoundation.orgfor more info.
A Pasta Hack That Will Transport You to Rome
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The Friends of Port Royal Cypress Wetlands, Inc.
FOPRCW) is looking for someone to become a Board Member and chair the Education Committee. The PR Cypress Wetlands is an excellent example of a restored wetland habitat that provides roosting and nesting sites for many of our wading bird species and is dedicated to the ongoing management and preservation of this local treasure.
Contact FOPRCW for more information.
Creative Salad Ideas for the Veggie Lover
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SCDNR has expanded its South Carolina Oyster Recycling and Enhancement Program (SCORE) to Beaufort County and is looking for dedicated volunteers to help recycle oyster shell from participating restaurants.
Using an SCDNR provided landscaping trailer, volunteers will be tasked with replacing full oyster shell receptacles with empty receptacles and taking shell to the nearby public drop-off location.
Most restaurants will need to be serviced once a week.
Time dedication is dependent on volunteer's availability, and restaurants will be notified to toss shell if service cannot be provided for the week.
Reclaimed oyster shell is used to manage oyster populations by providing a substrate for oyster larvae to land and grow on. SCDNR must purchase shell from other states every year, because what is currently being recycled does not meet replanting needs.
For more information, email SCORE@dnr.sc.gov .